
WiFi Single-Phase Current Transformer SmartBridge


The DIN form-factor SmartBridge (DNWF3902) is a half-DIN size smart energy gateway which operates independently of a smart meter. The SmartBridge is installed in the metering cabinet and connects directly with the home WiFi network. Energy data is obtained via a current clamp and measurement of the voltage through the internal power supply, allowing real-time consumer access to meter data even in a situation where the energy meter is located outside the user’s premises.


General functionality

All commissioning, updating behaviour, features, data reporting, and edge-analytics, is supported by this SmartBridge. Find the relevant information in the corresponding section.

User interface

The user interface consists of the LED pattern and the button behaviour on top of the API's and smartphone app interaction. This page focuses on the LED and button behaviour.


Information about the current status of the device is displayed on the blue LED on the front of the device just above the button.

StatusTiming cycleDescription
Offn/aNo power; or system reset pending
Fast Blink0.3 secBluetooth and WiFi access point active
Slow Blink1 secWaiting for WiFi and platform connection
Solid onn/aConnected with platform and operational


The SmartBridge will switch on as soon as it is connected to the power supply. The following functions can be used while pushing the button:

None< 2 secondsIncrease LED brightness
Short> 2 s / < 10 sSystem Reset
Medium> 10 s / < 20 sErase WLAN Settings
Long> 20 s / < 30 sErase energy data storage
Very Long> 30 secondsNone


Medium length push and hold the button

When the device is in access point mode (i.e. is yet to join a network) the medium length button push activates WPS mode. If the device is already joined, then the medium length push causes the device to erase its credentials and leave the network.


Like all NET2GRID SmartBridges the DNWF3902 can best be commissioned via Bluetooth commissioning. The prefix to recognise the SmartBridge on Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is sbwf-.