Energy Data Storage

Storing energy data locally on the SmartBridge for local usage

NET2GRID's hardware employs non-volatile (flash) memory to guarantee secure storage of your data for future access. Our storage configuration facilitates effortless monitoring of all stored attributes, as presented in the following table. Rest assured that your data is reliably stored and readily available when needed.

In addition, our product offers a unique feature called report on connect. This feature indicates whether the stored attribute is available to cover connectivity gaps. For instance, during a temporary loss of wifi connection, the data still will be updated and reported once the connection is restored, this to ensure that your data is up-to-date.

MeasurementPhaseIntervalStored dataReport on connect
Power [W]Allsec4 hoursYes
Power [W]1sec4 hoursYes
Power [W]2sec4 hoursYes
Power [W]3sec4 hoursYes
Power [W]Allmin1 dayNo
Power [W]1min1 dayNo
Power [W]2min1 dayNo
Power [W]3min1 dayNo
Energy Import [Wh]Allmin7 daysNo
Energy Export [Wh]Allmin7 daysNo
Energy Import [Wh]Allhour60 daysNo
Energy Export [Wh]Allhour60 daysNo
Energy Import [Wh]Allday5 yearsNo
Energy Export [Wh]Allday5 yearsNo